Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dragon/Archer hunt

Well things have been working out with the new realm despite all my doubts and fears. The Archer/Dragon Hunt Monday night was a great success! It seemed most who participated had a great time.

Plans are underway for the move at the beginning of the year, and hopefully we will have our old dragon weyr back. I need to get busy not only on quests, but also roleplay classes as well as flight and combat classes.

These last few weeks it seems as though SL is taking over my whole life and i really need to spend more of my time and attention on family and looking for a job. So with the success of the hunt, i am hoping that things will settle down to more of a regular schedule.

There is still work to do but i think the hunt is pretty much set up for its old time slot so i can get back to my old schedule.

Currently we are looking for some role-play ideas to get that started in the realm.

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